Ngauruhoe volcano, New ZealandBanks Peninsula, New ZealandLava and pyroclastic flows, New ZealandSlickenline lineations in a strike-slip fault, FinlandTaupo volcanic zone, New ZealandMulti-core fault transecting garnet migmatites, FinlandPyroclastic deposits, New ZealandLahar deposits, New ZealandProterozoic granites, BrazilVolcaniclastic sedimentation, New ZealandCompound lava flows, New ZealandSomewhere in ChinaOligocene limestones, New ZealandPatagonic granites, Cerro TorreOil field in Pampa Negra, Patagonia ArgentinaHyaloclastic deposits, New ZealandTurbidite deposits, New ZealandTephra deposits, New ZealandRuapehu volcano, New ZealandBanks Peninsula, New ZealandKaikōura earthquake, 2016TVZ, New ZealandPilow lavas, Waiareka-Deborah volcanic fieldFox Glacier, New ZealandLahar deposits, New ZealandSomewhere in FinlandLa Payunia volcanic field, ArgentinaCastle Hill limestone, New ZealandFrontier Abroad students enjoying New Zealand South IslandContact between epiclastic and lava flow deposits transected by a dike, Banks Peninsula volcanoBedded lava flows, Banks PeninsulaProximal spatter deposits in contact with an altered dikeEarly stepsDrilling into an active volcanic fieldFractured granites in PatagoniaPrecambrian eolian deposts, Southern BrazilSlickenline lineations in a strike-slip fault, FinlandChangbaishan Volcano, China-North Korea borderTephra deposits, Tongariro National ParkMt Cook, New ZealandHigh density fractures transecting a rapakivi granite, Finland